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The concept of Hot Yoga Downtown sprang from a desire to bring affordable, accessible hot yoga classes to the downtown area in 2006.  Nearly two decades later our vision remains unchanged. Our unique instructors meet each student exactly where they are in their yoga journey to best facilitate healing and transformation. Students of all experience levels and backgrounds are welcome to explore yoga in a safe and inclusive environment.

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$29 for 30 days unlimited classes! Valid from your first day of class until thirty days after.

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Hot Yoga Downtown Albuquerque

Student Spotlight

Our dedicated students are the heart of our community.
While Catherine and Kevin have practiced marriage together for 20 years, they only began to practice yoga together nine months ago at HYDT. Catherine’s 28-year-long Ashtanga practice never drew Kevin to join. Kevin has run marathons, swum laps, commuted by bicycle, and played ice hockey, but he’d never settled into a yoga practice until last summer, when he joined Catherine and their 19-year-old daughter Cleo at HYDT. Cleo left for college, but Catherine and Kevin have found a place to share a yoga practice. The community’s welcome is warm in both body and spirit. From the first asana to the last, HYDT steers us to move with breath, trust our intuition, and open our hearts. We go there because we can share the yoga. At HYDT, we greet old and new friends from all areas of our lives. Home, for us, is where the yoga is. 
Celebrating Catherine and Kevin!





Been Seen! Be Heard.

How has Hot Yoga Downtown Albuquerque impacted your life?  
Send an email to and be seen! You are appreciated.

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